snotty|snottier|snottiest in English


['snot·ty || 'snɑtɪ /'snɒt-]

having a runny nose, of or pertaining to mucus (Vulgar Slang); impudent, obnoxious, irritating (Slang)

Use "snotty|snottier|snottiest" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "snotty|snottier|snottiest" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "snotty|snottier|snottiest", or refer to the context using the word "snotty|snottier|snottiest" in the English Dictionary.

1. Snotty, huh?

2. Please don't be so snotty.

3. She smiled a snotty smile.

4. James: You snotty little brat! Open up!

5. She'd have thought I was just being snotty.

6. Don't get all snotty with me.

7. She was so snotty to me!

8. She branded Ruby a snotty little cow.

9. Even snotty, two-faced bullies like you, Lavinia.

10. I don't want to use your snotty handkerchief!

11. Snotty nose cry baby Oh Ha Ni.

12. He's such a, snotty - nosed little ` wimp.

13. The Snotty Cheekbones from Switzerland exist since 1999

14. Don't you look your snotty little nose up at me.

15. You could have told me I had a snotty nose!

16. Seminated snotty-nosed costmary half-concealed Architraval de-ossify Kuangchou

17. Comment: Kids have snotty noses At home but not Awag

18. He used to be a snotty boy at the elementary school.

19. The hotel receptionist was a bit snotty to me this morning.

20. Girls thought I was snotty and strange, and guys avoided me.

21. He suffered from a snotty nose, runny eyes and a slight cough.

22. Your posts are snide, snotty , sarcastic and serve no purpose in any discussion.

23. They were belligerent, they were bellicose, they were snotty, they were downright rude.

24. His kid sister had always been fresh and snotty, tough as anybody in the family.

25. They were belligerent, they were bellicose, they were snotty,( they were downright rude.